


Please let us know if you need more information about the kind of referral you need.
If you have more questions don't hesitate to contact us.

Our Promise

  • Serve all clients and not turn away clients based on their inability to pay.
  • Offer discounted fees for patients who qualify.
  • Not deny services based on a person's race, disability, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or national origin.

BISAC accepts medical insurance including Medicaid, Medicare, and the Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) when applicable. We also offer a discounted/sliding fee.

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you hide drugs or alcohol?
  2.  Have you ever been arrested for DUI and continue to drive drunk?
  3. Have drugs or alcohol caused you legal problems?
  4. Have you ever overdosed?
  5. Is your usage affecting your job, school, or causing problems within your family?
  6. Do you use in the morning when you wake up to steady your nerves?
  7. Have you ever felt guilty about your drug or alcohol use?
  8. Have you ever promised yourself or others that you would cut down your usage only to find that you are unsuccessful in doing so?

If you answer “yes” to any of these questions you may need help

  • You are not alone
  • Hope, help and support is available
  • Schedule an assessment to determine your eligibility and placement for treatment ( If eligible—Be sure to bring your ID and medical card)
  • Seek additional support and resources from groups such as AA/NA or faith-based organizations. 

Ask yourself these questions: (If loved one is an ADULT or ADOLESCENT)

  1. Does your loved one hide drugs or alcohol?
  2. Have they ever been arrested for DUI and continue to drive drunk?
  3. Have drugs or alcohol caused them legal problems?
  4. Has your loved one ever overdosed?
  5. Is their usage affecting their job, school, or causing problems within your family?
  6. Do they use in the morning when they wake up to steady their nerves?
  7. Has your loved one ever felt guilty about their drug or alcohol use?
  8. Has your loved one ever promised you or others that they would cut down their usage only to find that they are unsuccessful in doing so?

If you answer “yes” to any of these questions you may need help

  • You are not alone
  • This is a difficult time for you and your family
  • You are undoubtedly frustrated and in pain and turmoil
  • Help and support is available to help your family heal
  • Your call is confidential. Obtain information about substance abuse programs and have it available when you approach your loved one about your concern and encourage them to seek help.
  • Schedule assessment and attend assessment to determine eligibility. (If your loved one is an adolescent: Schedule an assessment and attend assessment with our Community Based Adolescent Counselor to determine eligibility.)
  • Confront the alcoholic/addict-Possibly utilize a family intervention approach. (You should have qualified staff available to facilitate a family intervention session)
  • Stop any enabling behavior
  • Set boundaries on your relationship
  • Possibly even cutting off the relationship altogether
  • Addiction is a family disease seeking counseling to successfully integrate your loved one back into your family post-treatment is essential for continued sobriety
  • Seek support from local support groups such as Al-Anon or Church/Faith-Based Groups. See calendar listings on the BISAC website for meeting schedules.

Ask yourself these questions if you are struggling with maintaining your sobriety:

  1. Are you lonely?
  2. Are you seeking positive relationships?
  3. Have you become complacent? Overconfident?
  4. Are the holidays approaching?
  5. Are you stressed?
  6. Did something happen that is making life difficult to deal with? (Job loss, Relationship trouble, divorce, death of a loved one, etc.)
  7. Are traumatic memories and experiences making life a challenge?
  8. Have you been triggered lately? (By people you used to use with or places you used to go to while using?)
  9. Do you need to strengthen your coping skills?
  10. Is being healthy important to you?

If you answer “yes” to any of these questions you may need help

  • Recovery is a lifelong process
  • You are not alone
  • Hope, help and support are available
  • Inform your sponsor or sober support network of your circumstances
  • Go to AA/NA meetings. See calendar listings on the BISAC website for meeting schedules
  • Schedule assessment and attend assessment to determine eligibility

Do you have a client, employee or know someone who has shown:

  • Mood Changes or Mood Swings
  • Altered Appearance
  • Diminished Job Performance
  • Problems with Relationships

Do you want information on?

  • What kinds of services Big Island Substance Abuse Council can provide
  • Additional things to look for in a client, employee or someone you know
  • Where we are located
  • Hours of operation
  • Next steps

Do you need professional advice and recommendations on what to do next?

  • If it is determined that additional support is needed
  • Let person know that hope, help and support is available
  • Schedule assessment to determine eligibility and placement for treatment( If eligible-Be sure they bring ID and medical card)


Complete the form or contact (808) 935-4927 for assistance. Your call is confidential.

Services Requested

Substance Use:
Mental Health:
Detox Clinic (Men only):
YOUTH Referral only:

Information about the person referred

Full Name:
Date of Birth:
Mailing Address:
Zip Code:
Phone/Cell Phone:
The person referred has insurance?:
If yes, name of Insurance:

The Big Island Substance Abuse Council offers a recovery home for women; including womenwho are pregnant or have dependent children aged infant-4 years old.
Select all that apply
Number of Children 4 and under:

Information about the person making the referral

Select One:
If other, what is your relationship to the person referred, e.g. Probation Officer, Employer, SchoolCounselor, etc
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Additional Comments:

Please provide an email address so we can send a confirmation receipt of this referral
Enter email below:
The organization is proactive regarding safety and the environment of care, and there is a well-established health and safety program. Interviews with individuals served, staff members, family members, and other stakeholders indicate a high level of satisfaction with services. All stated that they feel staff members truly care and that they are fortunate to receive services of such high quality.
CARF Accreditation Report